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Master Weaver's Temple

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I'll be adding videos on this page. 

Please be patient as it may take some time since I am very busy.

Since I've had so many requests, the first video will be of me breaking a regular 2x4x8 bought from Lowe's.

I will secure top and brace bottom against cement block so 2x4 is basically standing upright. I will break it with a front hook punch. Most of the breaking techniques you see are where item is stacked with spacers around knee height. While these breaking techniques do show certain skills, I have always felt that if a breaking technique is to be performed, it should imitate as closely as possible to an actual technique you would use while fighting, NOT while someone is on ground! I also chose the FRONT hand to demonstrate since is it NOT your power hand but your speed hand. With proper body technique it can not only be fast but powerful as well. Simply put, if you can break it with your front hand you know you can with your rear hand. If you can snap a 2x4 , you can pretty much know what would happen to , say, a jaw bone, rib, etc.

The second video will also be of a FRONT hand technique. The technique I'll choose for this one is not a typical striking technique that you'd normally see. I'll warm up a time or two on the focus mitt then break the 2x4 with a downward hammer strike. I was originally going to break a cement block but I want whatever I'm breaking to be at face level. I couldn't find a suitable way to set a cement block up where it would be safe. If I design a rig to hold it securely, then I'll do that as well.

Future breaking videos will be of elbows, knees, kicks, wrists, shins, etc,etc.

Once how-to videos are completed, I will also post small clips of each to sample. 

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